Infrastructure Management Consultants GmbH

Managing the built Environment

IMC GmbH – Who we are

A small group of experts

Infrastructure Management Consultants (IMC) is an international company based in Zürich, Switzerland with the clear goal of optimising the use of resources for infrastructure asset management in public and private sectors.

We know that our actions speak louder than words, so check out our project references or give us a call!


Deutscher Straßen- und Verkehrskongress 2024

Wir freuen uns, in diesem Jahr Teil des Deutschen Straßen- und Verkehrskongresses gewesen zu sein, der im Zeichen des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der FGSV stand. Drei spannende Tage lang bot die Veranstaltung die Möglichkeit, über aktuelle Entwicklungen im Straßen- und Verkehrswesen zu diskutieren und wertvolle Einblicke zu gewinnen.

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What we do

Improve your decision-making

IMC creates solutions for infrastructure owners so that they best can manage their assets. This requires us to not only provide market-leading products, but also partake in state-of-the-art research projects.

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State-of-the-art software & novel technical concepts​

Our main objective is to make infrastructure owners' decisions easier. In order to do this, we have been building a toolbox since 2003.

Have a look at our products!

Our Team

Prof. Rade Hajdin

Rade Hajdin co-founded IMC in 2003 and has been constantly working on his vision of automating bridge maintenance ever since. Along with being IMC's president, he is also a professor at the University of Belgrade since 2016.

Jan Wunderlich

Jan Wunderlich has broad knowledge and experience in infrastructure management and leads the introduction of research results and software products. He is vice-president of IMC and responsible for our French speaking branch.

Dr. Andreas Fastrich

Andreas Fastrich is our partner responsible for our cornerstone product, KUBA. He is also an expert in risk management and is interested in the development of risk-based decision-making approaches.

Dr. Frank Schiffmann

Frank Schiffmann is our expert on road maintenance. He is invested in developing our flagship product, infFaros. He teaches maintenance management at the Technical College of Bern and is responsible for our branch in Mannheim, Germany.​

A few of our clients:

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